
Dakshina Kannada, Sullia

08257 233208


Visit By Prof. Dr. Anandaraman Sharma And Dr. Pratibha Anandaraman to KVG Ayurveda Pharma And Research Centre, Sullia on 04.01.2023

Prof. Dr. Anandaraman Sharma PV, Dean (HR), Medical Superintendent, Head, Dept of Panchakarma, All India Institute of Ayurveda, New Delhi andhis better half Dr. Pratibha Anandaraman, Professor, Dept. of Panchakarma, All Institute of Ayurveda, New Delhi visited KVG Ayurveda Pharma and Research Centre on 04.01.2023. They visited the Production and Quality Control sections of the pharmacy and appreciated the hygiene, maintenance, working nature of our firm and wished us success. They are alumniof our institution and were happy to visit and spend quality time with us.