
Dakshina Kannada, Sullia

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“Workshop on Scientific Writing, Research Integrity and Publication Ethics”, initiated and sponsored by NCISM, New Delhi for the P.G guides, was organised at KVG Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital, Sullia, from 10th to 12th June 2024.

10 master trainers were invited to conduct the workshop and among 60 delegates who registered from various institutions, 57 delegates actively participated in the workshop.

An insightful seminar on Research Methodology & Bio-statistics “ANUSANDHANA-2024” was hosted by KVG Ayurveda Medical College & Hospital, Sullia on 10/02/2024 at Dr. K.V. Chidananda A/C Auditorium, KVG Ayurveda Pharma & Research Centre, Sullia. The seminar was conducted for academicians, researchers, and students to delve into the intricacies of research methodologies. Renowned scholars and experts in the field of research methodology were invited to share their wealth of experience and insights. Chief organizing secretary of the seminar Dr. Purushotham K.G, CEO, KVG Ayurveda Pharma & Research Centre, Sullia welcomed the gathering. The seminar was inaugurated by Dr. K.V. Chidananda, President, A.O.L.E, Sullia. He spoke about the need and importance of Research in the medical field and shared his experiences. Our beloved Principal Dr. Leeladhar D.V. addressed the gathering with his encouraging words. On this occasion two new Classical Ayurveda Products manufactured at KVG Ayurveda Pharma & Research Center, Sullia namely “MAHAMANJISHTADI KHADA” and “MAHARASNADI KHADA” were launched. Our first guest speaker Dr. Lakshminarayana Shenoy, Asst. Director, Govt. Ayurveda Research Centre, Mysore delivered lecture in two sessions on the topics “Research in Ayurveda & Statistics” and “Synopsis writing & Publication guidelines”. Second session was on the topic “Basics of Drug Research & Clinical Research Designs” by the guest speaker Dr. Anand Katti, Professor & Head, Dept of Samhita & Siddanta, Govt Ayurveda Medical College, Bangalore. Our another guest speaker Dr. Ajith Kamath, CCSEA Nominee, Medical Director & Associate Professor, Dept. of Agada Tantra, Karnataka Ayurveda Medical College & Hospital, Mangalore spoke on the topic “Animal Experimentation- Ethics & Guidelines”. An interactive session with the speakers was provided to the participants to seek clarification and share their experiences followed by conclusive remarks by Dr. Udayshankar N, Professor & Head, Dept. of Shalakya Tantra, KVG Ayurveda Medical College & Hospital, Sullia and felicitation to the guest speakers at the end. Dr. Harshitha M, Student welfare officer, delivered Vote of Thanks. Miss. Deeksha D.P and Miss. Deepti D mastered the ceremony. More than 150 delegates including Teaching and Non-teaching staff had participated in the seminar. The Seminar was a resounding success, fostering a culture of research excellence within the academic community. The event not only provided valuable insights but also created a platform for collaboration and knowledge sharing.

A CME “Abhinava 2024” was organised by the dept. of Samhita & Siddanta and dept. of Shalya Tantra, on 16.03.2024. The CME was inaugurated by Dr. Chidananda, President, AOLE(R.), Sullia. Dr. Leeladhar. D. V, Principal, KVG Ayurveda Medical College, delivered key note address. The resource person Dr. Ashwath Rao, founder of Sukhayu cancer foundation, Udupi, spoke on the topic- Role of Ayurveda in clinical management. Another resource person Dr. Raghavendra Udupa, Prof. & HOD, dept. of Samhita and Siddhanta, KVG Ayurveda Medical College, Sullia, spoke on the topic – Traditional practice of management of fracture and dislocation.
The Principal, staff, PG scholars, internees and Final year UG students attended this CME.

In connection with World Snake Day, a workshop “Sarisrupa”, was organised by Dept. of PG Studies in Agada Tantra at KVG Ayurveda Medical College, Sullia, on 17.07.2023. Dr. Ravindranath Aital, expert in snake poison treatment from Puttur was the guest speaker. He spoke about the different poisonous and non poisonous snake and also created the awareness about first aid treatment in snake bites.
Principal, Staff, PG scholars and 3rd year BAMS students were present in the workshop. Dr. Leeladhar. D. V, Principal, KVGAMC, felicitated the guest speaker after the talk. Dr. Avinash. K. V, Professor, Dept. of Agada Tantra welcomed the gathering. Dr. Pooja K. S, Assistant professor, Dept. Of Agada Tantra, introduced the guest speaker to the audience. Dr. Santhosh Nayak, Associate professor in Dept. of Agada Tantra delivered vote of thanks. Ms. Yashaswini. M and Mr. T. G. Manoj mastered the event.

A CME organized at KVG Ayurveda college on 19.08.2022
A Continuous Medical education program was organized at KVG Ayurveda Medical college on 19/8/2022. This program was sponsored by Shree Dhootapapeshwar Limited under their series of programs “Ayurveda Saara Prabhodini”. The resource person of the program Dr. Rohini.D. Bharadwaj, Chief consultant Bharadwaj Ayurveda Clinic and former HOD of dept. of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, KVG Ayurveda college, Sullia, spoke on the topic ‘Logics of Dravya Kalpana/Understanding of Dravya Kalpana’.
The staff, PG scholars, Internees and Undergraduates participated in this CME.

NATIONAL SEMINAR on Ayurvedic Perspectives in Cardiac Diseases “SPANDANA 2021”
20th and 21st Feb 2021

KVG Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital, Sullia, D K

On the occasion of Silver Jubilee Celebration of Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bengaluru, Karnataka. 2 days National Level Seminar on Ayurvedic Perspectives in Cardiac Diseases was held in K.V.G. Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital, Sullia, D.K. on 20th and 21st of February 2021.

 On 20th February 2021 the Inaugural secession was presided by Prof. Dr. K. V. Chidananda, President, A.O.L.E., Sullia. Dr. Bharath Shetty, M.L.A., Mangaluru City North and President of Dental Council of India inaugurated the seminar. Dr. Suman D. Pennekar, Deputy Director Karnataka Police Academy, Mysuru, Dr. Kiran Kumar N., Syndicate Member, RGUHS, Bengaluru, Dr. Anand Kirishal, Former Executive Committee Member CCIM, New Delhi, Prof. Dr. K. V. Dilip Kumar, Institute of Oriental Medicine of the Peoples Friendship University Russia, Moscow, Dr. Aishwarya K. C. and Dr. Gowtham Gowda, Directors of K. V. G. Medical College were the guests.

 Eminent resource persons of the country and abroad enlightened about more than 800 delegates from all parts of the country in over eight different sessions.

On 21st February 2021 the valedictory session was presided by Prof. Dr. K. V. Chidananda, President, A.O.L.E., Sullia.  Prof. M. B. Puranik, President, Sharada Group of Institutions was the Chief Guest. Dr. Mohammad Iqbal, District Ayush Officer, D. K., Dr Gana P. Kumar, DySP, Putturu Division, Smt. Shobha Chidananda, Treasurer, A.O.L.E., Ar. Akshay K C, Executive Director, K.V.G. Medical College,  Dr. Neelambikai Natarajan, Dean, K.V.G. Medical College Graced the occasion. Dr. Leeladhar D. V., Principal, K.V.G. Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital, Sullia was the organising secretary and Dr. Sathyanarayana Bhat, Principal, Muniyal Institute of Ayurveda Medical Sciences, Manipal was the convener.

Guest Speakers

Prof. Dr.K.V.Dilip Kumar, M.D(Ayu), PhD
Institute of Oriental Medicine of the Peoples Friendship,
University of Russia, Moscow

Role of Smriti meditation (An Ayurveda psychotherapy technique) in Cardiology.

Chaired by:
Department of Kayachikitsa,
SDM College of Ayurveda and Hospital, Udupi.

Co-Chaired by:
Dr.Pankaj Prasad,
Bapuji Ayurveda Medical College, Shimoga.
Dr.C.Ramachandra Bhat, M.B.B.S, D.N.B.
Professor and HOD
Department of Medicine
K.V.G.Medical College and Hospital, Sullia, Karnataka.

Evaluation of Cardiovascular Disorders.

Chaired by:
Dr.Roopa Bhat
Dhanvantri Ayurveda College Hospital and Research Centre.

Co-Chaired by:
Dr.Santhosh Shetty
Karnataka Ayurveda Medical College, Mangalore.
Prof. Dr.Upendra Digambara Dixit, M.D (Ayu), Ph.D,
Chief Consultant,
Dixit Ayurveda, Goa.

Ayurvedic Management of Acute and Critical Conditions in Hridroga.

Chaired by:
Dr.Nithin Ashok
Rajeev Institute or Ayurvedic Medical Science and Research Centre, Hassan.

Co-Chaired by:
Dr.Prashanth Bhat
Prof and H.O.D, Department of Kayachikitsa,
ALN Rao Memorial Ayurvedic Medical College,Kopa.
Dr.Ananth Ram Sharma, MD(Ayu), Ph.D,
DHR Fellowship Professor and HOD,
Department of Panchakarma,
Amrita College of Ayurveda,Vallikkavu, Kerala.

Panchakarma in Cardiovascular Diseases.

Chaired by:
Dr.Ravishankar Shenoy
Prof and HOD,
Department of Roganidana,
Muniyal Institute of Ayurveda Medical Sciences, Manipal.

Co-Chaired by:
Dr.Pramod Shet
Associate Professor,
Department of Kayachikitsa,
Muniyal Institute of Ayurveda Medical Sciences, Manipal.
Prof.Dr.Satyendra N Ojha, MD(Ayu), Ph.D,
Director and Principal,
Hon.Annasaheb Dange Ayurveda Medical College,
Post Graduate and Research Centre, Ashta,Sangli, Maharashtra.

Cardiology in Ayurveda

Chaired by:
TMAE Society's Ayurveda College and Hospital, Nidige, Shimoga.

Co-Chaired by:
Dr.Shaiju Krishnan
Vice Principal,
MVR Ayurveda Medical College, Parassinakadavu, Kerala.
Dr.Rajashekar V Sanapeti,MD (Ayu),
Associate Professor
Department of Panchakarma,
KLE Shri BMK Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya and Hospital, Belagavi, Karnataka.

Clinical success stories of Coronary Artery Diseases through Ayurveda Treatment.

Chaired by:
Dr.Muralidhar Poojar
Medical Superintendent, Professor,
Department of Kayachikitsa,
SDM Institute of Ayurveda and Hospital, Bangalore.

Co-Chaired by:
Dr.Prashanth B.K
Prasanna College of Ayurveda and Hospital Belthangady.
Dr. Sathyanarayana Bhat, BAMS, MD(Ayu)
Principal, Medical Superintendent and Director
Research and Development,
Muniyal Institute of Ayurveda Medical Sciences, Manipal, Karnataka.

Clinical Application of Rasoushadhi in Cardiac Disorders.

Chaired by:
Dr.Sanjay K.S.
ALN Rao Memorial Ayurvedic Medical College, Koppa.

Co-Chaired by:
Dr. Ravi Ganesh
Sharada Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital, Mangalore.

Valedictory - "SPANDANA-2021"

National Seminar and workshop on Research Methodology and Statistics "Anusandhana 2019” Held on 22nd February-2019

Dr.Udayashankar N

Professor and HOD
Department of Shalakya Tantra
K.V.G Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital, Sullia
Topic – Keynote Address of Anusandhana-2019

Dr.Lakshminaryana Shenoy

Asst. Director State Ayurveda Research Center, Mysore.
Topic – Research and Statistics made easy

Dr.Sathyanaryana Bhat

Principal, Medical Superintendent and Director
Muniyal Institute of Ayurveda Medical Sciences, Manipal.
topic – Scope of drug Research in Ayurveda with an outlook on effective application of advanced scientific parameters for quality assurance of Ayurvedic drugs.

Dr.Anantharam Sharma

Professor Dept Of Panchakarma
Amrutha School of Ayurveda Vallikavu, Kerala
Topic – Clinical research in Ayurveda and Protocol Writing.


Professor & HOD
Dept Of Prasoothi Tantra and Stree Roga
K.V.G Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital, Sullia.
Topic – Product Feedback of K.V.G Pharma’s Femicare.

Best paper presenters in National Seminar on Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana
“Samskara– 2015” Held on 10th December 2015

Dr.Nidhish K

P.G Scholar
Department of R.S.B.K
Topic – New Dimensions in Ayurvedic Formulations to Get International Acceptance

Dr.Pooja Prakash

P.G Scholar
Department of Panchakarma
Topic – Rasaushadhis Pertaining to Vamana

Won first prize in paper presentation in “Sandana 2015” National seminar at K.V.G Ayurveda Medical College, Sullia, Held on 19th & 20th June 2015.

Dr. Anup P.

PG Scholar
Department of Shalya Tantra
Topic – Common sports injuries & death of Australian cricketer Philip Hughes by “Vertebral Artery Dissection “ “Sira matruka Marmaaghatha” A clinical correlation

Completed training on "Quality Management Systems and Internal Audit in Medical Laboratories as per ISO 15189 2012 & NABL 112"

Dr. Venu N (Reader)

Department of Shareera Rachana
Attended the 4-day workshop and successfully completed the training on Quality Management Systems and Internal Audit for the Quality Management of the Medical Laboratory as per ISO 15189:2012.
The training program was conducted by Medical Education and Learning Point (Regd) MELAP/QMS/2019 held at Father Muller Medical College, Mangalore. It was a 4-day training program held between 21 August 2019 and 24 August 2019.