In connection with “World organ donation and body donation day”, an awareness talk was organised at KVG Ayurveda Medical College on 10.08.2024 by the Department of Rachana Shareera and Kriya Shareera in association with the NSS unit of the institution. The program was inaugurated by Dr.Leeladhar.D.V, Principal, KVG Ayurveda Medical College. The resource person was Dr.Ashok.K, Professor and HOD, department of Prasooti Tantra and Streeroga, KVGAMC Sullia. Dr.Harshita.M, Student welfare officer, Dr.Venu N, professor and HOD, department of Rachana Shareera, NSS officer Dr.Pramod.P.A, Faculty members and students witnessed this event. Pledge regarding creating awareness among the public about organ donation was taken during the occasion. A compilation work of 1 BAMS students on the topic organ donation and body donation was released during the occasion.
Dr.Anju Subhash, Asst.professor, department of Rachana Shareera welcomed the gathering and Dr.Anishma Devi delivered vote of thanks. Ms.Namrita Kale mastered the ceremony.