College day was celebrated at KVG Ayurveda Medical College on 21.12.2024. Architect Mr.Akshay.K.C, General Secretary, Academy of Liberal Education (R.), Sullia was the chief guest. Dr.Raviganesh Mogra, Chief Medical Officer, Easy Ayueveda, Mangalore was the guest of honour in the program.
Dr.Leeladhar.D.V, Principal, KVG Ayurveda Medical College, read the annual report of the institution.
Mr.Hemnath.K.V, Secretary, AOLE, Mr.Jagadish.A.H, Council member, AOLE, Prof. Damodar Gowda, retired Principal, NMC, Sullia, Dr.Kavitha.B.M, Professor, Dept.of Dravraguna, the President of student council and office bearers of Student council 2024 were there on the stage.
Mr.Sheetal Gowda, President of student council welcomed the gathering and Dr.Anusha.M, PG representative of student council delivered vote of thanks.
Dr.Ashok.K, Professor and HOD, Dept.of Prasooti tantra and streeroga, Dr.Krishaprakash.M.K, Professor, Dept.od Kayachikitsa and Mr.Chandrakumar, office Superintendent were felicitated during the occasion for rendering 25years of service in the institution.
Miss. Yashaswini and Mr.Dhyan Vijay mastered the event.
After the formal function cultural events were organized in the college premises.