
Dakshina Kannada, Sullia

08257 233208


NameDesignationMobile No.Email IdAddressPG Qualification with SpecialisationRegistration Number & BoardDate of Joining (dd/mm/yyyy)Aadhaar ID No.Experience
Dr. Raghavendra UdupaProfessor & HOD9743286656gargya2009@gmail.comHouse No. 201, Shree Vishnu Residency
Opp. Taluk Office, Kurunjibhag Sullia - 574327
M.D. 2002 "Ayurveda Samhitha & Siddhantha"11951 - KAUP Board Bangalore28.03.202337559084902722 years
Dr.Sreeja S.Associate Prof.9496332118sreejas840@gmail.comManjar Apartment,Room No 2D,opp Petrol pump, Cherkala ,Kasaragod,671541M.D.-2015 "Ayurveda Siddhanta"43198-KAUP Board Bangalore18.07.20163425 9456 20829 years
Dr. Devika D ShettyAssistant Prof.8073911970devikashetty115@gmail.comVishwadharini, Adyar Padav, Adyar Post, Mangalore, DK Dist., Karnataka - 575 007M.D.-2020 "Samhitha Siddantha"36505-KAUP Board Bangalore16.10.20239140713440104 years
Dr. Vishnu Krishna UAssistant Prof.9995107365vishnukrishnanpalazhi@gmail.comD. No. V5/7RCC Building, Putturu Kasaba Village, Putturu TQ, D K,
Karnataka - 574201
M.D.-2022 "Samhitha Siddantha"18535 -TCMC Kerala14.01.20256473230652872 years
Dr. Gopi Krishnan P TAssistant Professor8075210386gopipt2009@gmail.comHouse No 203
Shree Vishnu Residency
Opp. Taluk Office
Kurunjibag, Sullia TQ-574327
M.D (Ayu.)
18588 -TCMC Kerala16.01.20233920987970372 year
Mrs.Shashikala DLecturer (Sanskrit)9448625124shashidhruva124@gmail.comAjankury House,Kodimbady Post, Bellippady Village,Puttur,T.Q D.K-574325M.A. 1994
28.01.19972713 8232 699830 years

About Department of Moulika Siddantha of Ayurveda

Department of Moulika Siddantha of Ayurveda is one of the important branch of Ayurveda, deals with all the basic principles. So this department is popularly known as “Department of Basic Principles”. This Department deals with the study of Philosophical fundamental approach of Ayurveda. This department includes the subjects like Sanskrit, Padartha Vignana Evum Ayurveda Itihas, Maulik Siddhanta Evum Ashtanga Hridaya and Charak Samhita (Poorvardha & Uttarardha). Basic Principles like Panchmahabhoota Siddhanta, Tridosha Siddhanta, Defferent types of Vaada Marag and Tantrayukti which are very much useful in day to day clinical practice of Ayurveda. Without the knowledge of Basic principles one can’t be able to learn the Ayurveda. Sanskrit is the basic subject which has been taught to the students through this department. The subject has been included in the curriculum as it is the language of the ancient Ayurvedic texts. It has been looked upon that the student must be well versed with the language so as he would be able to read and absorb the concept explained. Padartha Vignana provided the Basic knowledge about the evolution of the Ayurveda from Indian Philosophy like Darshana Shastra and the scientific base laid by ancient authors enable to amplify and implement the concepts. Department is furnished with well versed teaching staff, well maintained departmental library, Availability of the Charts, Use of modern teaching aids etc. for the benefit of students.
