
Dakshina Kannada, Sullia

08257 233208


Teaching Staff

@NameDesignationMobile NoEmail IDAddressPG QualificationReg No & BoardD.O.JoiningAdhar NumberExperience
Dr Sanath Kumar D.G.Professor & HOD9448152543sanathdg@gmail.com5-144,Deraje House,
Ivarnadu Post & Village
Sullia Taluk,
D.K. 574210
M.D.– 2010
KAUP Board
25-06-20102218 6430 5947
14 years
Dr Soumya S.V.Professor 9620283474drsoumyasv@gmail.comNo-426,KVG Medical College & Hospital staff qtrs,Kurunjibhag Sullia. M.D.– 2013
42176-KAUP Board Bangalore08.02.20149441 8525 4991
11 years
Dr Lakshmeesha K.S.Associate. Professor 9880900927 dr.lakshmeesha1987@gmail.comKallumutlu House,
Aranthodu Village & Post,
Sullia T.Q.,
D.K., Karnataka-574314
M.D– 2014
KAUP Board
26.12.20149461 6958 703210 years
Dr Smitha Thamban Associate “Shanthinikethana”,
Thodikana Post,
Sullia T.Q
M.D– 2015
42171-KAUP Board Bangalore14.12.2015 8339 8858 9727
09 years
Dr Smitha P.K. Associate Professor9632552438
W/O, Vinayaraj MB
323-Shubha Nilaya,
Ubaradka Mithur Post,
Sullia T.Q.,
D.K. Dist,
M.D– 2017
RGUHS B'lore
KAUP Board
02.03.20184860 3666 785506 years
Dr. Archana S BabuAssistant Professor6363371497archanababu666@gmail.comW/o Adarsha B M
8-255, Hillside House
Jattipalla Road, Sullia DK
MD (Ayu.)
19755 - TCMC01.09.202240823930563302 years
Dr Nilofer Tahani R AAssistant Professor9741258893tahaninilofer27@gmail.comBehind Bharath School, Masthi Katte, Ullal- DKM.D– 2022
40389 - KAUP B'lore17.02.202334291866427902 years


Panchakarma is the ultimate mind- body healing experience for detoxifying the body, strengthening the immune system and restoring balance and well-being. It is one the most effective healing modality in ayurvedic medicine. It promotes detoxification and rejuvenation.
Panchakarma department is well established with a classroom, department library with classical and contemporary books related to the panchakarma, well equipped Panchakarma theaters (male & female separate) and museum with several specimens of panchakarma procedure, etc for inferring knowledge to students. Post-graduation in panchakarma was started in the year 2008, with six post-graduation students in take per year. Department has come up with practice like weekly presentation of seminar, attending the OPD & IPD, case presentations, Panchakarma procedure demo presentation, journal reading and many other which are required for present scenario. Panchakarma presents a unique approach of Ayurveda with specially designed five procedures of internal purification of the body through the nearest possible route. Such purification allows the biological system to return homeostasis and to rejuvenate rapidly and also facilitates the desired pharmocotherapeutic effects of medicines administered thereafter. Panchakarma has a full therapy role as promotive, preventive and curative procedures. To assist individuals to heal, develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle our integrated approach to health and well being combines Ayurveda and Yoga traditional approaches.

All aspects of our programs are natural nourishing and relaxing. Each treatment is designed to promote and restore good health, clean and hygienic conditions maintained .The well trained loving, caring and hospitable staff will ensure that you will have the best personalized services. We serve whole some vegetarian food and good accommodation facilities.


Snehana, Abhyanga, Swedana, Kayaseka, Shirodhara, Shirovasti, Shastika, Shali Pinda Sweda, Patra pottali sweda, Choorna pinda sweda, Udvartana, Tolapothichil, Kativasti, Janubasti, Greevabasti, Shiroabhyanga, Tarpana, Pichu, Paadabhyanga, Vamana, Vireechana, Vasti, Nasya, Raktamokshana
