
Dakshina Kannada, Sullia

08257 233208


Teaching Staff

@NameDesignationMobile NoEmailAddressPG Qualification with SpecialisationRegistration Number & BoardDate of Joining
Adhar ID NoExperience
Dr. Purushothama K.G.

Professor & HOD9886717960

drpurushothamakg@gmail.comKattemane House,
‘Kenchambika Kirpa’
Balugodu Village
Post Sullia Taluk D.K.
M.D. 2005,
"Bhaishajya Kalpana"
KAUP Board
10-01-20057512 7992 923819 years
Dr. Harshitha M.Professor9448211048dr_harshitham@rediffmail.comKattemane House,
‘Kenchambika Kirpa’
Balugodu Village
Post Sullia Taluk D.K.
M.D. 2005,
"Bhaishajya Kalpana"
KAUP Board
10-01-20057512 7992 923816 years
Dr Pavana K.B.Associate Professor
8762121397drpavanakb07@gmail.comW/O. Bhagesh K .2-17B Jyothi Nilaya,
Madavu Post,
Puttur Taluk, D.K.
"Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana"
KAUP Board
24.02.20182252 5195 87867 years
Dr. Shruthan K. Assistant Professor
kshruthan@gmail.comC/o. Ganesh Rai, Kuthamotte Guttu House, Ubaradka Mithur Post & Village, Sullia T.Q., D.K. Dist., KARNATAKA
M.D-2018 "Rasashastra"RGUHS B'lore
29808-KAUP Board01.10.2019
7199 5078 33355 years
Dr. Gopalakrishna N Nayak
Assistant Prof.
1-67B, Gokula House Sulli, Doddathota Post, Nellur Kemraje Village, Sullia T.Q 574248
MD (Ayu.) 2018- Rasashatra & Bhaishajya Kalpana
32906- KAUP Board
8254 1579 8344
4 years


Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana is a branch of Ayurveda which deals with the preparation of medicines by using Kashtaoushadhi (Herbal), Rasoushadhi (Mineral) and Kashta-rasoushadhi (Herbo-mineral). Kasthaoushdhi includes different parts of the herbs both in wet and dry forms. It includes toxic drugs also, but these toxic drugs should undergo specific samskara like shodhana etc. before preparation of any medicines. Rasoushadhi includes minerals, metals, and animal origin drugs. These drugs must undergo proper samskaras like, shodhana, marana, etc. before preparing medicines to avoid toxicity of the drugs. All the samskaras mentioned in the classics are performed in this department to both UG and PG students.

Different types of formulations i.e. Vati, Vatika, Churna, Bhasma, Kupipakwa rasa, parpati, pottali, Varti, Asavarishta, arka etc. are prepared. UG and PG practicals are taken regularly. The department is well equipped with all instruments which are needed for UG and PG practicals. Well maintained museum containing all the specimens of metals, minerals, herbal drugs, pharmacy model etc. for the benefit of students. For both UG and PG’s Pharmacy visits are organized during the academic year to know about the pharmacy and industrial management regarding manufacturing. Department is attached with the KVG Ayurveda Pharma, where more than 150 products are prepared regularly.

PG course in the department was started in the year 2012 with the intake of 6 students.
