
Dakshina Kannada, Sullia

08257 233208


Teaching Staff

@NameDesignationMobile No.EmailAddressPG Qualification with SpecialisationRegistration Number & BoardDate of Joining (dd/mm/yyyy)Aadhaar ID No.Experience
Dr.Hariprasad Shetty M.Professor 9880464302ayurdhama4you@gmail.comNiya, 2-211/6, Halegetu, Sullia-DK-574239M.S. -2005
"Shalakya Tantra"
KAUP Board
01-10-200530638080403219 years
Dr. Gowri Shankara C.K.Assistant Prof.8970168236gowrishankarsulugodu@gmail.comJamadagni Farms, Sulugodu House, Chokkady Post Sullia TQ, D.K.-574212M.S-2018
"Shalya Tantra"
KAUP Board
02-07-20184305570679826 years
Dr. Raghavendra Prasad B SAssistant Prof.9740545979rpbangaradka@gmail.com2-15,,Bangaradka House Aryapu Post Puttur T.Q., Dakshina Kannada, Karnataka - 574210M.S. -2018 "Shalakya Tantra" RGUHS, Bangalore University12574-6-8-1999
KAUP Board
04.11.2019 2454030444385 years

About Shalakya tantra

Shalakya tantra is one among the eight branches of Ayurveda. Shalakya tantra deal with the etiology, diagnosis, prognosis, prevention and treatment of diseases that are located above the neck region, such as the head, ear, nose, eyes and throat. The name of the branch is called because of the excessive use of ‘Shalaka’ which means ‘probe’. It is also called as Urdhwanga chikitsa.
The departments includes department library, Clinical class room, Kriya kalpa (treatment room), department museum , HOD and staff rooms.

The OPD of the Shalakya tantra includes various modern diagnostic tools and instruments in eye, ENT and dentistry. In the in-patient department, all the facilities are provide for the patient who are getting admitted to have eye and ENT treatment. There is a separate treatment room is available to perform different special treatments of eye and ENT.